




2016/09/09 きねちゃんさん ( 東京都 男性 48才 ) 【2016年9月3日】本田健×リン・ツイストスペシャルセミナーin東京「人生の目的を見つけて、幸せと豊かさを両立するための5つの秘訣」英語版
Dear Lynne:

Thank you so much for providing us such a wonderful time.
I really enjoyed it and found a lot of important things for my life.

In particular, I did understand what the committed life is and how important it is.
Until recently, I tried to find something I “should do” whenever I tried to help others. And, in many cases, I was overwhelmed by lots of “should do”s.
But, in your speech, I realized that the committed life, something I can commit, comes from our hearts together with joy and warmness. It consist of something we really “want to do”, that’s why we can help others when we achieve our committed life. It is one of my best findings in your speech.

By the way, since I know Ken and Julia well and since I love them, please let me share my story.

I am Kenji Sekine (“Kinechan”), 48 years old male who experienced tragedy of my family a couple of years ago.
I lost my wife and my younger son in the same year of 2013. My wife passed away because of sudden stroke at her age of 44 and my younger son passed away because of leukemia at his age of 10.
At that time, although I was so shocked and sad, I did not cry and did not anger. I did my best to pretend to be fine. I thought it was the only way I and my older son could overcome the tragedy.
And, until recently, I thought I successfully have overcome it and I can live my life same as before I lost my wife and younger son. However, when I met Ken and Julia, I understood it was wrong. I actually have not yet overcome the tragedy rather I am still pretending to be fine by closing my heart to the tragedy. As its proof, I have not been able to feel joy and passion to my work after the tragedy even if I did wonderful jobs. Ken and Julia taught me human being cannot shut down only pathos and anger. Joy, anger, pathos and humor, all of these emotions can only exist together, not separately. They eased my heart through many off-site workshops. Because of their efforts and helps, now, I can feel all of my emotions. I can cry, I can anger, I can enjoy, and I can laugh. And therefore, I can hear my voice in my heart and can feel what I really want to do. That is, I finally have become ready to meet my committed life!!

Thank you again for your wonderful speech and your committed life to this globe.
Sincerely yours, Kinechan
2016/09/08 今関雄揮さん ( 東京都 男性 28才 ) 【2016年9月2日】本田健×リン・ツイスト特別講演会in東京「お金と争いから自由になる世界の作り方」
リンさんのお話を聞いて一番印象的だったのが"欠乏感"という言葉です。お金が豊かになっても欠乏感を拭えず、"もっともっと"という欲望の渦に呑まれ、さらに常に他人との競争に陥っていたというご自身のお話は、今の僕の状況に非常に似ていて、はっと気付かされました。リンさんはCommitted Lifeを行うことで、欠乏感から脱却できて幸せで豊かな人生を過ごすことができたと教えてくれました。僕もCommitted Lifeを見つけて自分らしく欠乏感のない人生を送りたいです。
2016/09/07 Yukiさん ( 京都府 女性 29才 ) 【2016年9月3日】本田健×リン・ツイストスペシャルセミナーin東京「人生の目的を見つけて、幸せと豊かさを両立するための5つの秘訣」英語版
Dear Lynne
Thank you so much for your inspiring talk with Ken Honda in Tokyo on Septembt 3rd. I was impressed by not only what you were talking about but also your lovely smile and warm and kind attitude throughout this seminar. There are a lot that I learnt from you and I realised your advice is very simple but hard to recognise in dairy life. Especially I thought they are very importnat, "Be true to yourself", "Be honest to people around you and appreciate what you already have" "You learn more in the actions". I moved by these advice and want to make use of them!
I really appreciate you because you make me realise what I forgot! I start to take actions for providing quality education with children around the world. As you said, I try never to forget to appreciate the people who support me and work with me!
Thank you so much for your help and kindness ! I want to attend the conference in Norvenmber in the US and hope we can meet there again!
2016/09/07 Yukiさん ( 京都府 女性 29才 ) 【2016年9月3日】本田健×リン・ツイストスペシャルセミナーin東京「人生の目的を見つけて、幸せと豊かさを両立するための5つの秘訣」
2016/09/07 A・Hさん ( 福岡県 女性 48才 ) 【2016年9月3日】本田健×リン・ツイストスペシャルセミナーin東京「人生の目的を見つけて、幸せと豊かさを両立するための5つの秘訣」









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